Word & Spirit

Full Gospel Teaching

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What we Believe

New Life 2012 believes in the the Holy Bible, that it is God-breathed and authoritative in truth; infallible and inerrant according to 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peters 1:20-21; Proverbs 30:5; and Romans 16:25-26.

We also believe in The Trinity: one God, existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; co-equal and co-eternal (1 John 5:7; Genesis 1:26; Mathew 3:16-17). 

Along with the above beliefs, New Life 2012 also believes in the following: 

  • Salvation ~ by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:16, 3:8; Titus 3:5)
  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit ~ The Baptism given at Pentecost (Joel 2: 28-29; Matthew 3:11; Acts 1:5, 2:1-4, 17)
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit ~ Manifested through a variety of spiritual gifts to build and sanctify the church (Hebrews 2:34, Romans 1:11, 12: 4-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1-31)